
Latest updates and announcements.

September 2024 - v3.22 release

  • Added new /ask command group.
  • Added new /ask dictionary command.
  • Added new /ask urban command.
  • Added new /mass command group.
  • Added new /mass mute command.
  • Added new /mass unmute command.

More commands for these groups are coming soon! 🤍

September 2024 - v3.21 release

  • Added new /game command group.
  • Added new /game connect-4 command.
  • Moved existing games to the /game command group.

September 2024 - v3.20 release

  • Added 5 new variables for use in the Counters module (see docs).
  • Added a new /config toggle command to toggle modules.
  • Added a new docs page for the Welcome Messages module.
  • Added a loading spinner to the dashboard save button.
  • Made welcome card generation faster.
  • Made level rank calculation logic faster.
  • Made dashboard API calls more efficient, improving load times.
  • Restructured the bot's codebase to make it easier to maintain.
  • Fixed a regression where JTC channels weren't being deleted.
  • Fixed a regression where Twitch notifications were being sent multiple times.
  • Fixed a regression where the emoji in /giveaway create was being rendered incorrectly.

September 2024 - v3.19 release

Introducing the Self Roles module!

Self Roles let you create messages across your server that can be used by members to add and remove roles. Each message can have up to 20 methods of 3 different types - reactions, buttons, and dropdown menus. Unlike Reaction Roles, you can specify up to 20 roles to add and remove per reaction/button/dropdown-option.

Currently, the module is available under the Beta tag on the dashboard as some message options (namely custom dropdown placeholders and support for disabling multiselect) are not yet implemented. As always, if you come across a bug let me know and I'll have it fixed in the next release.

September 2024 - v3.18 release

  • Added support for adding songs from YouTube playlists with /music add.
  • Improved music playback speed and quality, reducing buffering.
  • Commands now execute ~39% faster due to better caching.

September 2024 - v3.17 release

Audit logs are actually good now !!

  • Recoded from the ground up with speed and maintainability in mind.
  • A new highly-detailed formatting standard for all audit log messages.
  • Full event parity with Discord's native audit logs (and beyond).

September 2024 - v3.16 release

TL;DR: Updates for forms, auto roles, and the dashboard.

Forms Update

The forms module now creates "form threads" (similar to tickets) that keep everything within your server, instead of in members' DMs.

It also supports a wider range of input types: strings, numbers, and booleans, along with input methods like modals, dropdowns, and buttons. Strings and numbers use modals, dropdowns allow for selecting from multiple options, and buttons are used for yes/no questions. You can also now let members skip questions you deem optional.

Lastly, you can now accept or reject form submissions with a reason, using a modal popup.

Auto Roles Update

You can now pick which auto roles are assigned to which types of users (bots, members, and everyone). Thanks to @yousif.adel for suggesting this! 🤍

Dashboard Update

Only the modules you have enabled will be visible by default; all others are accessible through the "Manage Mode" button. Additionally, the save function for module updates has been moved from individual module configs to the main page. Modules with unsaved changes or errors will be highlighted for easy identification.

August 2024 - v3.15 release

  • Added support for all kinds of pings (not just roles) in auto messages and bump reminders.

  • Refactored the way the database stores information for reminders.

  • Improved the efficiency and performance of database calls for reminders, bump reminders, auto messages, and join-to-creates.

  • Fixed a bug that caused some join-to-create channels to not be deleted once everybody had left.

  • Added better error catching and logging for join-to-creates (so the issue above doesn't happen again).

  • Made some small stylistic changes to the look of /level rank cards.

August 2024 - v3.14 release

  • All dashboard multiline input boxes now support rich text (this sort of ~~thing~~), as well as Discord-specific stuff like @ mentions and # channel shortcuts. Support for guild emojis via :this: is coming soon as well.

  • We can now dynamically set the status of the bot, letting you know about outages or downtime without the need to be in our Discord server!

  • Patched the issue that caused Twitch Notification spam.

  • Updated the database caching mechanism to include even more stuff (makes bot speedier).

August 2024 - v3.13 release

  • Huge update for the Twitch Notifications module!!! You can now pick up to 5 streamers to get notifications for (previously just 1). Plus, I've added @everyone and @here mention options for those alerts (which is coming to other modules soon).

  • The /whois command is now two separate commands: /whois user and /whois member. The key difference being /whois user will still give you basic info on a user even if they're not in the server where you run the command.

  • The majority of database operations are now properly indexed and cached, meaning much faster bot responses and less strain on the database.

  • There's now a link to the dashboard login page in the header of the site.

  • Lots of little bug fixes and tiny improvements here and there as always.

August 2024 - v3.12 release

Music is here!!! Here are the commands:

  • /music add - Adds a song to the queue.
  • /music remove - Removes a song from the queue.
  • /music pause - Pauses the currently playing song.
  • /music resume - Resumes the currently paused song.
  • /music queue - Lists the songs in the queue.
  • /music stop - Clears all songs from the queue.
  • /music skip - Skips the current song.
  • /music seek - Seeks to a specific time in the current song.
  • /music shuffle - Shuffles the songs in the queue.
  • /music repeat - Sets the repeat mode of the song or queue.
  • /music volume - Sets the volume of the music.
  • /music filter - Sets the filter of the music.

Only YouTube is supported at the moment, but I'm working on adding support for other sources like Soundcloud and Apple Music. All video types will work, including live streams.

If you find any bugs, let me know using the /bot report command and I'll fix them as soon as I can.

August 2024 - v3.11 release

  • Added a new Counters module.
  • Added a new /weather command.
  • Redesigned the /level rank card (try it, its pretty).
  • Refactored the way the dashboard loads data.
  • Fixed an issue with the dashboard channel select dropdowns where channels outside of categories wouldn't be selectable.

July 2024 - v3.10 release

  • Rewrote some command descriptions and subcommand names.
  • Updated the error handling for the whole bot.
  • Switched many of the bot's responses from embeds to regular messages.
  • Released phasebot v0.6.0 (which the bot now runs on).

Big updates coming soon! 🤍

July 2024 - v3.9 release

  • Created the Bug Report Form for reporting bugs via the site.
  • Renamed the /dashboard group to /bot.
  • Moved /ping and /help into the /bot group.
  • Added /bot invite for adding the bot to another server.
  • Added /bot report for reporting bugs.
  • Split /id into multiple commands for channels, roles, etc.
  • Split /avatar into multiple commands for users, members, and servers.
  • Added a way to cancel incomplete DM forms early.
  • Fixed a bug which allowed server owners to remove their own dashboard access.

July 2024 - v3.8 release

  • Added a new /id command for getting user/role IDs.
  • Rewrote the /tictactoe command to be speedier.
  • Removed the /poll command since Discord added it natively.
  • Removed some old unneccesary database code.
  • Rewrote Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Note: A hotfix was required around an hour after the release of v3.8, which fixed an issue with the bot sometimes attempting to run commands in channels it doesn't have access to.

July 2024 - v3.7 release

This release focuses on improving the dashboard load times and login processes.

  • From now on, all authentication data is encrypted and then stored within a secure browser cookie, instead of in our database. Since we don't need to go back and forth between the database and the browser, this will make the dashboard load a lot faster.
  • Login sessions now last for 7 days (was previously 24 hours).
  • You can once again login to the dashboard via Discord OAuth2. This time, since the switch to relying on cookies, access/refresh tokens are only used once to verify your identity and create your cookie, then immediately revoked afterwards.
  • There's a new pretty loading spinner :3

With the new login process, I'll be updating the privacy policy in the next day or so to reflect the changes.

July 2024 - v3.6 release

  • Changed the /nuke command name to /scrub.
  • Refactored the command code for optimisation reasons.
  • Updated the mobile dashboard to now use drawers instead of dialogs.
  • Released phasebot v0.4.0 (which the bot now runs on).
  • Updated the documentation code to be speedier.
  • Changed the look of the homepage/documentation UI a little bit.

More updates coming soon! 🤍

June 2024 - v3.5 release

  • Made rank card generation 4x faster (other cards will be updated soon).
  • Made the dashboard even faster.
  • Made dashboard inputs autoresize instead of scrolling.
  • Gave the dashboard sidebar a new look.
  • Fixed a bug where Twitch notifications thumbnails would get cached.
  • Fixed a bug where Twitch notifications sometimes sent twice.
  • Fixed a bug where some modules failed to save on the dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug where some Join to Create channels didn't get deleted.
  • Fixed a bug with the /ticket unlock command.

April 2024 - v3.4 release

  • Many dashboard UI and UX improvements.
  • Added 4 new /dashboard commands.
  • OAuth has been replaced by the /dashboard login command.
  • Unnecessary API routes have been removed.
  • Added new APIs to phasebot in v0.2.1.
  • Fixed giveaway commands.

March 2024 - v3.3 release

  • Added ban audit logs.
  • Added kick audit logs.
  • Updated welcome card design.
  • Fixed rank card text alignment.
  • Fixed command paths in docs sidebar.

March 2024 - v3.2 release

  • Added Auto Messages module.
  • Added dashboard settings page.
  • Added custom rank card backgrounds.
  • Gave rank cards a new look.
  • Fixed a bug with Bump Reminders.
  • Fixed a bug with guild join/leave db updates.
  • Fixed some parts of the docs.

March 2024 - v3.1 release

I've added 3 new commands and 2 new modules.

  • Added Twitch Notifications module.
  • Added Bump Reminders module.
  • Added a new command: /twitch user.
  • Added a new command: /twitch stream.
  • Added a new command: /reminder.

You can expect some more updates in the next few days. If you want to know right as they come out, join my Discord!

February 2024 - v3 release

Here's a quick overview of what's new:

  • The site has been completely recoded.
  • We have actual documentation now!
  • There's a shiny new dashboard.
  • Added some new commands & modules.
  • A couple of bugs were squashed.
  • Bot branding stuff was updated.
  • Terms and Privacy docs got some updates.
  • Website and bot hosters were changed.
  • The bot and site codebases were merged.

Hope you all enjoy the new updates! 🤍